Started on March 7, 2025

MKT201 Principles of Marketing

This is an introductory course for exposing students to the discipline of marketing by equipping them to analyze the political, economic, social and
technological environments. Students are encouraged to make observations about their marketing environment, detect signals about changes in the market
place, formulate need analysis, learn about consumer and organizational markets, learn about personalities and their impact on consumer behavior, observe
about how marketing departments are organized, explore pricing mechanisms, decide about the appropriate distribution channels and structures, learn about
various promotional techniques and tools, and the challenges which the explosion of new media pose in the marketers’ world.

MKT301 Methods of Business Research

In today’s borderless and highly competitive environment, the research culture needs to be nourished. This course is designed to conceive, implement, and
apply research programs in organizations. The managerial aspects of conducting research are discussed thoroughly with applications from various facets of
business covering all the aspects of business entities and business functions. This course empowers the students towards the scientific research methodology
so that they can observe business processes, formulate hypothesis, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and disseminate these conclusions for organizational
benefits. Given Research is a tool for decision making, the Research process is closely intertwined with the business decision making process. From problem
definition to developing alternate courses of action and then monitoring the implementation of decision made research is used across all of these.
Prerequisite MKT 201/MTS 202

MKT401 Marketing Issues in World

The launch of this course is an outcome of an understanding that any marketing strategy that does not reflect local environment and nuances will be
ineffective. This course fulfills the need to understand the local marketing landscape and the peculiar challenges it poses for marketers in World.
Class room discussions are highly interactive and focus on emerging topics like bottom of the pyramid marketing, issues in market research, new product
development, evolving Pakistani consumer, brand Pakistan, issues in branding, and challenges in export marketing, changing retail landscape in World,
sales and distribution issues and social marketing. Teaching pedagogy also includes frequent guest speaker sessions from marketing practitioners and case
study discussions. Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT451 Advertising

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of how the practice of advertising is applied in a marketing environment. There is a
need to equip students with knowledge of the importance of the role of advertising in the economy, and its place in the media of mass communications.
This course emphasizes the preparation and execution of a media strategy. The students will have an in-depth understanding and study of advertising appeals,
product and market research, selection of media, testing of advertising effectiveness and organization of the advertising profession. Students will also develop
skills in scientific media planning and management. The course will place a heavy emphasis on the underlying marketing disciplines of customer-focus and branding.
Understanding high value customer segments and delivering branded satisfaction to those segments through innovative communication techniques is an imperative
for all marketers today. This imperative will be examined in an advertising context across multiple business sectors including consumer packaged goods,
financial services, information technology, retail, and the marketing of people. An investigation of the nature and scope of advertising and its place within
marketing strategy decisions and society falls within the gambit of this course. Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT452 Consumer Behavior **

Consumer Behavior begins with an overview of importance of understanding consumers as buyers and users of products and services, and the course delves
into deeper issues revolving around consumer decision making. Multiple factors forming the foundations of consumer behavior such as economic, social,
psychological and cultural factors are discussed in the light of individual behavior variables such as needs, motives, perceptions, attitudes, personalities
and learning. Lectures, interactive sessions, and real life cases are all included in the pedagogical design to enable students to understand how the
marketing mix can be developed to satisfy demanding consumers. A field project is incorporated to allow students to extend their learning to designing an
effective communication plan for a product or service. Prerequisites: MKT 201: MKT 301 **Mandatory elective for marketing major

MKT453 Sales Management**

Sales Management is critical for the success of any business enterprise, as it focuses on the development of sound sales and distribution strategy, the
management of marketing channels, and sales force management in a business organization. The objective of this course is to familiarize BBA level students
with the concepts and practices of sales management. The course focuses on setting up sales objectives, planning and implementation of sales programs,
supervising the sales effort and measuring sales performance. The areas of sales forecasting, budgeting, hiring, sales force motivation, compensation
and performance evaluation are also covered. Prerequisite: MKT 201 / MKT 401 **Recommended elective for marketing major; Either MKT 453 or MKT 454

MKT454 Personal Selling**

In the highly competitive and complex environment of the business world personal selling has an even more important and critical role to play.
Personal Selling has evolved into a different activity than it was just a decade ago. At BBA level, this course provides an overview of personal
selling, providing insight into the operating paradigm of today’s personal selling endeavors. This course encompasses all new concepts, technologies,
and techniques that have contributed to this evolution. It also describes approaches to personal selling and presents the sales process as a series
of interrelated steps. Prerequisite: MKT 201 / MKT 401 **Recommended elective for marketing major; Either MKT 453 or MKT 454

MKT455 Retail Management

This course will help the students to see how retailing fits within the broader disciplines of business and marketing and will introduce them to the
basic concepts and strategies in retailing. It will help them grasp the role of retailing in society and, conversely, society’s impact on retailing.
This course is meant for the students who ultimately envisage fulfilling a managerial function in any area of retailing. It will help them to analyze
the importance of store location, merchandising, products and pricing. Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT456 Export Marketing

The course is designed to familiarize students with the procedures, policies and management problems faced by Pakistani exporters. It includes a study
of the Pakistani exporters, types of export channels, sources of export market information, locating sales channels through international publications,
export yardsticks, advertising and sales promotion and packaging for exports, export terms and documents, banking services and transportation for exports.
Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT457 Dynamics of Distribution and Logistics

The course reviews all pertinent concepts making the subject a timely issue. The course also serves as a training tool to someone who wants to broaden
his/her knowledge about the difference between logistics and distribution from that of supply chain management. It will enable them to learn about tools
as to how to be a cost- effective market leader. The first objective of this course is to learn about the strategic importance of logistics and distribution
management, planning and operations and it brings about a competitive edge to the overall business. The second objective is to differentiate between
logistics and other related disciplines such as Supply Chain Management, material handling and also to differentiate between distribution management and
inventory management, warehousing, and transportation. The basic aim is to develop understanding of the four key areas and their interrelationships, namely
strategic role of logistics and distribution management, difference between logistics and distribution and related disciplines, key activity centers of
logistics and distribution, analytical tools and techniques for logistics and distribution management. The strategic concepts discussed in the course are
tied together through a variety of examples that show that a combination of concepts is needed to achieve significant increase in performance.
Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT458 Public Relations

Public Relations (PR) has gained prominence in the marketing communications mix, especially today, since media proliferation and high costs are forcing
marketers to find more targeted approaches to achieve their objectives. Public Relations will provide students with the basic framework for creating and
managing a PR Campaign. Through practical exercises students will also learn how to create, edit and evaluate PR texts for various publics and different
situations. They will also be able to conduct basic research for PR purposes, create a PR plan, budget and implement it and finally evaluate the results.
Topics which will be taught will include the publics in PR, PR tools, research methods in PR, planning, budgeting and implementing a PR campaign, and
creating and managing relationships. Effective targeted writing skills and event management are also part of this course. Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT460 Direct Marketing

Direct marketing has become a powerful tool as part of an overall integrated marketing strategy. It is the study of the ability to reach a specific
audience, create or enhance customer bonding, create dialogue or combine various media and disciplines. Here the student will learn the interactive
use of advertising and other promotional media to stimulate consumer behavior predominantly through database and targeted marketing in order to obtain
a measurable response. Tools include direct mail, telemarketing, TV and press advertising, web banner ads,door drops and inserts. The course will include
the study of one- to-one and customer relationship marketing in which measuring customer value and building customer loyalty are major concepts which will
relate to the concept of mass customization. Prerequisite: MKT 201

MKT461 Brand Management**

The study of brand management is a crucial area in marketing and business curriculum as brands are amongst the most valuable assets a company can have in
today’s highly competitive marketplace. The course includes an understanding of the psychological aspects of consumers awareness, preference, and loyalty
to brands which is vital in developing long-term company growth, what brands are, how they are created and managed, and how they add value to consumers
and the firm. Topics include the importance of product, service and corporate brands, how awareness, loyalty, perceived quality, strategies and tactics
for maintaining and reviving brands, multi-brand portfolios, extensions, brands as a driving force for standardization and globalization with explicit
examples of branding drawn from local industry. Prerequisite: MKT 201 * Recommended elective for marketing major

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